Friday, November 15, 2013

Zombie Games Five (End Zone)

Now available at a special discount of only $.99 - Zombie Games Five! End Zone -  The final installment.

For Kindle - Get it here!

For Nook - Get it here!

All other readers you can get here at until it hits Itunes, Kobo, Sony, etc...


Sethia said...

Thank you for Zombie Games. I realy liked End Zone, my only complaint is that Cassie had a baby boy. She should of had a girl, so Bryce would have been wrong :)
You took the zombie theme to a whole new and diffrent place, very creative of you. I hope you revisit these characters in the future. Job well done Kristen!

Kristen Middleton / K.L. Middleton said...

Sorry that you weren't thrilled about the baby I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and thanks for the kind words!!!